podcast Archives – Page 3 of 5 – Trajan King


How Not to Pitch Investors


Finding money can be an important part of starting a company. However, it may not be necessary as we cover here.  But if you are looking for funding, be mindful of doing it the right way.   Pitching to someone you want to work with or asking them for money is a subtle art.  There’s a right way and a wrong way.  In the video below we discuss how NOT to pitch to investors. Why did I feel it...

How to Price Your Product or Service


How you price your product or service makes a big difference on what kind of business you build.  We discuss how to think about different pricing options and what kind of customers you will attract. For example, do you want to be known as the low-cost leader, like Wal-Mart or know for quality and customer service like Nordstrom?  As the old saying goes, there are 3 components to a product or...

Facebook “likes”, Periscope, and Getting Clients


Does getting a lot of Facebook “likes” really matter?  Listen to this before spending a lot of money on a “like” ad campaign. Having a Facebook page for your company has changed a lot in the past few years and continues to change.  It used to be that you could put up a page and get a lot of engagement as tons of people saw the content you published.  Once Facebook went...

The startup funding ecosystem


If you’re thinking about raising funds for your company, it helps to know all the options, especially if you’re considering trying to raise funds from Angels or VCs (Venture Capitalists).  Having a knowledge of the startup funding ecosystem will help you know how to navigate the tricky shark-infested waters.

Financial Independence

Lies we tell startups


What are entrepreneurs told that isn’t true that my lead us astray or discourage us? We asked our community for their opinion and the number one response was that we’re sometimes given the impression that building and growing a company is easy. We see on social media stories of entrepreneurs who seem to have built their companies over night.  The media make it look. We see ads for the...

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Trajan King

Hey hey. I'm Trajan. I'm a minimalist entrepreneur who loves exploring the world (42 countries), learning new things (7 languages) and trying to get better every day (working on my backsquat).

I write about entrepreneurship and building an optimized and happy life through systems, good habits and scientific research.

Join me and we'll discover how we can build businesses we can be proud of.