admin, Author at Trajan King


Incomes that are tax free


We want you to save tax money. So, let’s introduce you to some incomes that aren’t taxed (in the US). You will find alternatives abroad. For example, one-third of the family pension, subject to the maximum of Rs. 15,000 will be exempt, if you are a widow in India. 🇮🇳 Similar exemptions apply in other countries as well. However, for the purpose of this piece, we’ll focus on the US. 🇺🇸 Up to $3,000...

4 Essential Personal Finance Tips for People in Their 20s


The internet is full of personal finance tips; however, the most common advice you’ll hear from finance experts and adults close to you is to save and invest early on in life. But, sadly, this advice isn’t often put into action. A post on CNBC reported on a 2019 financial study which focused on young workers aged 18-29 situated in the U.S. Researchers found that the young people are less likely...

4 Financial Concepts Every Adult Should be Familiar With


Financial literacy is key to staying on top of your finances and finding success later in life. Unfortunately, not everyone understands basic financial concepts and few are aware of how they can impact their life. Indeed, MarketWatch reports a clear decline in financial literacy all over the country, with only 34% of Americans able to answer questions about interest rates, inflation, bond prices...

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