Travel – Trajan King



Travel and experiencing the world is a desire and passion for a lot of people.  I’ve been fortunate enough to visit over 40 countries, live in 6 different countries and learn 7 languages (it’s a work in progress).

It’s not as complicated or expensive to travel as most people think. It gets easier the more you do it as you learn some tips and tricks.

You don’t have to be financially independent to travel or live in another country, although being able to work remotely really helps.

Traveling anywhere
I love what this board represents. You can go anywhere! The world is waiting to be explored.

The several times that I’ve lived abroad for months at a time, I worked from my laptop and rented out my house on Airbnb when I was away. That paid for my rent wherever I went.

Knowing some travel hacks and how to take a trip the right way, can make an experience much more enjoyable and less expensive.

Sometimes it’s simple things. Like packing correctly so you don’t spend your time dragging an enormous suitcase over cobblestone roads.  Other times it’s finding the perfect hotel or Airbnb with an amazing view.

Travel priorities

It’s also about priorities.  A few years ago, a day after I returned from a 3 month trip to Paris, a friend of mine was telling me all about the sweet gaming computer he had just purchased. It cost over $3,000!

As I was telling him about my trip he said, “Man, I wish I could afford to travel.” I was shocked by that statement since he had just spent so much on his computer. I later realized that travel is about priorities. Everyone prioritizes what they do with their money differently. Other friends think it’s stupid to travel so much and prefer to stay home. That’s great for them.

Travel guides

If you’re into travel like I am,  I’ve created 2 guides to help anyone visiting either Paris or Rome to get more out of their trip. You can get the basics from a travel site, like how to see the major tourist attractions. What I tried to include in the guides is some of the stuff you don’t get on a basic website that usually writes about the Top 10 places to go.

I’ve lived in both cities and speak the languages. I tried to add some things like hole-in-the-wall restaurants and cool places that only locals know about.

If there’s anything I’ve missed, please email me so I can check it out on my next visit!

Guide to Paris

Guide to Rome

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Trajan King

Hey hey. I'm Trajan. I'm a minimalist entrepreneur who loves exploring the world (42 countries), learning new things (7 languages) and trying to get better every day (working on my backsquat).

I write about entrepreneurship and building an optimized and happy life through systems, good habits and scientific research.

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