5 Biggest Facebook Advertising Mistakes (and how to avoid them) – Trajan King

5 Biggest Facebook Advertising Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

You write your ad copy, create your images and setup your ads. You’ve spent so much time on your ads and you just know they are going to work. Although, too many people make costly Facebook advertising mistakes.

But sometimes our ads don’t perform the way we want and that’s really frustrating!

Even worse, we don’t always know why they aren’t working.   Is it the copy? Or the image?

The truth is…it could be a combination of things.  So pull up your ads and make sure you’re not making any of these mistakes:

#1: Boring Image

It’s so important to find and use images that blow away all the other ads and cute puppy pictures in the News Feed (and everyone loves a cute puppy, so you’ve got some serious competition).  So how do you do it?

Whether you’re using stock photos or headshots, make sure your photo is interesting:

  • Use bright colors that stand out
  • Use a photo with an interesting background
  • Show emotion or excitement (jumping, pointing, laughing)

Pay attention to what catches your attention when you’re scrolling through Facebook and try to find similar images.

And remember: images of happy women tend to perform the best.

Here are some examples of effective images:

facebook advertising mistakes facebook advertising mistakes

facebook advertising mistakes








#2: Target market is too big (or just totally off)

There’s no exact number of people you should target with your ads.  It’s more important that you’re super clear on who your ads are for and that your targeting matches that.

It’s totally okay to narrow down and get really specific; that’s why we have so many targeting options available to us.

A big mistake people make is that they base their targeting on what worked for someone else or they don’t test enough targeting groups.

Keep your budget small and test several different targeting groups to see what group responds the best. You’re not going to nail down your targeting on the first go…that’s why we test.

#3: Boring Headline and Ad Copy

You need to grab their attention with the headline.  Then clearly state what they’re going to get if they click through.  You need to be really clear on why your audience needs what you’re offering and how you can solve that problem for them.

Here are a few examples:

“Are you terrified of speaking in public? Take my FREE 5 Day Challenge and get the tips and strategies you need to feel calm and confident the next time you have to speak in front of an audience.”

“Do you dread making sales calls? Grab my Close More Sales Call Script and start closing more sales with ease today.”

The best ad copy is short and to the point.

#4: Landing page that isn’t consistent with ads

This could be the first interaction someone is having with your business and you want it to be a good one.

It’s important that your landing page/opt-in page has the same call to action, copy and feel of your ads. You want people to know they’re in the right place so they feel comfortable giving their email to you.

If your ad says one thing and you opt-in says something else, it could confuse your audience and that means they click away.  So if your ads are getting plenty of clicks, but no conversions- take another look at your opt-in page.

#5: Not tracking your results

I know the first time I pulled a report in Ads Manager I was totally overwhelmed,  but here’s the thing…not all metrics are created the same.  Some are more important than others and the  #1 metric you want to pay attention to is your cost per conversion.  If it’s too high, or you’re just not seeing any conversions- stop the ad.  Go back and re-work your copy or try a different targeting group.

Just remember: it’s okay if your ads don’t work right away,  but don’t waste money on ads that aren’t working.  Stop the ads and go back and see what changes you can make so your ads are more effective.

Also, take some time and study other ads in your newsfeed to learn what other companies are doing. What makes you want to click and what ads do you just ignore?

Are you currently running ads?  What is working or not working for you on Facebook or any other ad platform?


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Amy Crane is an expert at paid advertising and runs Social Lab Marketing.  Amy has recorded a Facebook Course specifically for Invincible Robots members.  Join here and view it, along with many other courses.  If you’d like specific Facebook marketing help, contact Amy here.

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CFO & former Wall Street analyst helping your reach financial independence.

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