WATCH: 4 Elements of High Social Engagement Keynote – Trajan King

WATCH: 4 Elements of High Social Engagement Keynote

Spencer Taggart Social Keynote a.k.a. How to Blow People’s Minds

Spencer Taggart is the social media mind behind the growth strategy of one of the fastest growing colleges in the Western U.S. In this keynote, he presents the fundamental ideas behind creating massive engagement in social media and shows examples of some that are dong a great job, like Proctor & Gamble and Nike and one student who created content that no one wanted to share.

Getting people to share your content is not easy, even if they’re your friends.  It’s the Holy Grail of social media.  If you’re doing anything on social and sometimes wonder what to post to get people sharing your content, Spencer has some advice.

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Play by play:

1:00 : Real social is Relationships and connections.

2:00 : What the CEO of Proctor & Gamble says about social media.

2:45 : How Proctor & Gamble is doing social to connect to their

5:25 : True Service. Purpose of business is to serve others and make their lives better.

6:00 : Serve them in a way that will blow their minds.

7:00 : How customer service can interact with customers to blow their minds.

8:40 : Create Empowed Advocates to tell your story.

9:05 : 90% of people truest peer to peer. 14% trust ads.

10:30 : Your best salesperson is Marlin (Who?).

11:10 : Focus on others.

12:40 : How to empower people to tell your story.

14:10 : What content to share on Facebook.

16:00 : How to reach thousands with no money.

16:50 : What Nike focuses on in commercials (hint: it’s not themselves).

18:00 : How to get a 4,000% engagement score on Facebook.

19:00 : No one cares about you on social (e.g. how to do it wrong).

20:45 : What do post again to get more engagement.

21:10 : Evaluate your content.

22:00 : How to do social right to build amazing relationships.

Who is Trajan King?

CFO & former Wall Street analyst helping your reach financial independence.

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Trajan King

Hey hey. I'm Trajan. I'm a minimalist entrepreneur who loves exploring the world (42 countries), learning new things (7 languages) and trying to get better every day (working on my backsquat).

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